Charlie Leighton Park-GoPro

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La mesa junto al agua en el parque Charlie Leighton es un lugar excelente para observar el amanecer sobre el río St. Lucie. El sendero a lo largo de la orilla del río está conectado al Treasure Coast Rowing Club y, a menudo, verá remadores temprano por la mañana y otros barcos en el agua.  


Este parque tiene una rampa para botes que es popular entre los pescadores. Hay una pasarela que va casi hasta la mitad del puente en Monterey Road. La pasarela no se barre ni se mantiene limpia y es posible que vea algunos vidrios rotos aquí y allá. El resto del área está muy bien cuidado y la mesa y el banco son un buen lugar para quedarse. He visto muchas aves acuáticas, las nutrias jugando y un conejito en mi última visita.

El video fue tomado con una cámara GoPro conectada a el manubrio, colocada en iMovie y luego cargada en YouTube.


The waterside table at Charlie Leighton Park is a superb place to watch the sun as it rises over the St. Lucie River. The waterfront path is connected to the Treasure Coast Rowing Club and often you will see early morning rowers and other boats out on the water.

This park has a boat ramp with fishermen coming and going and a catwalk that goes almost to the middle of the bridge on Monterey Road. The catwalk is not swept or kept clean and you might see some broken glass here and there. The rest of the area is nicely taken care of and the table and bench provide a good place to linger. I’ve seen many waterbirds, otters playing, and a bunny rabbit on my last visit.

The video was taken with a GoPro camera attached to my handlebars, put into iMovie and then uploaded to YouTube.

Google Map Charlie Leighton

Author: Gail

Retired Technology Integration Specialist. I enjoy riding my bike, baking, and reading.

6 thoughts on “Charlie Leighton Park-GoPro”

  1. Lupita me fascinó este reportaje. Las tomas que hiciste están muy bonitas. Es un lugar que invita al descanso. Felicidades amiga!


  2. Señora Lupita, you have created a fine blog. I am now following you and will gradually catch up with all of your past postings. I have very much enjoyed your Charlie Leighton Park video. The film, stills and music reflect what you must have seen and felt that day. In addition, you inspired me to check out a Go Pro from the library. I wore it today as I played tennis with my friends… I’m sure it will require extensive editing.

    So, Lupita, keep riding Panda and keep up the could work! G.


    1. Hello Memo! What a nice surprise to find you visiting my blog. The GoPro is so much fun. The camera I checked out this week (for Rustic Hills post) seems to have stabilization built in so I didn’t need to use the stabilization feature in iMovie. How did your GoPro film work out for you? Don’t worry if it is not perfect. None of mine are but I enjoy the process. I learn something each time. Poco a poco.

      Thanks for posting your comments.


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